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SPF Regulatory Documents Cleanup Initiative Fully Completed

SPF Regulatory Documents Cleanup Initiative  Fully Completed

The municipal provident fund center comprehensively conducted and fully completed Shanghai provident fund regulatory documents clean-up initiative of late in conformity with Rules of Shanghai Municipality on Instituting and Filing of Administrative and Regulatory Documents. The cleanup initiative was targeted at 179 regulatory documents promulgated by the municipal housing provident fund management committee (previous housing committee), the municipal provident fund center and the municipal housing reform office (at early stage of provident fund system formation) between 1991-2012. As per the rules, the cleanup initiative determined to abolish 39 documents and rescind 75 documents, with the other 65 documents remaining valid. Housing Provident Fund Management Committee’s recently held 40th plenary session heard, reviewed and approved the municipal provident fund center’s Report on Initiating Cleanup of Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Regulatory Documents.

For Details, please refer to: Notice on Issuing Repeal and Annulment of A Batch of HPF Regulatory Documents