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Notice on Delivery of Annual HPF Account Statements

In accordance with relevant stipulations of the state council’s Regulations on Management of Housing Provident Fund and Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Administration of Housing Provident Fund, Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center has entrusted Shanghai Branch of China Construction Bank to deliver Annual Employee HPF Account Statements for Fiscal Year 2014 as of mid-August 2015. We hereby notify you of the following:

1. All housing provident fund paying entities should go to their corresponding CCB’s hpf outlets and collect the Annual Employee HPF Account Statements for Fiscal Year 2014 prior to the end of September 2015. The entity copy is for the entity to keep on file for verification; and the employee copy must be given to the employee in time.

2. All housing provident fund paying employees should get their own Annual Employee HPF Account Statements for Fiscal Year 2014 from their entities and keep them properly. Should there be any dissent on the information pertaining to the Annual Employee HPF Account Statement, please report it to your entity, or consult relevant service outlets of China Construction Bank prior to the end of this year, or apply to your district/county management division of Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center for rechecking. 

3. Any housing provident fund paying entity or individual may log onto Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Website ( to learn the details.


Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center

26 August 2015