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SPFMC Convened a Conference in Memory of 94th Anniversary of Founding of CPC and for Kickoff of New Round of Civilized Units Construction

On the afternoon of 1 July, Municipal PF Center convened a conference in memory of the 94th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China and for kickoff of the new round of civilized units construction. SPFMC’s director Ma Li presided over the conference, with attendees including the Center’s party and administrative leaders, secretary and members of the party branch, departmental heads, chairman and vice chairmen of the trade union, and secretary of the youth league.

The conference started with the national anthem, and commended the advanced. Deputy directors Li Chaoxing and Jiang Zhiwei read Decision on Commending the Center’s Outstanding Service-Oriented Party Units and Decision on Commending Civilized Departments/Offices, Civilized Management Divisions for Year 2013-2014 and on Construction of Civilized Departments/Offices and Civilized Management Divisions. The Center’s leaders awarded medals to those commended as advanced units. Subsequently, the representatives of the commended units spoke at the conference.  

SPFMC’s party committee secretary Liu Yadong delivered an address at the conference, and stressed the importance of bearing in mind the political responsibility and taking measures to ensure fulfillment of the responsibility of party governance in a bid to secure the development of the housing provident fund cause. He underscored the following three working requirements: firstly, the “Three Stricts and Three Honests” education campaign should be conducted to build up a strict and honest cadres team; secondly, the pioneering initiative should be further tapped to ratchet up service-oriented party organization construction of the Center; thirdly, efforts should be made to boost party ethos and clean and lean management in a move to effectively maintain clean and lean governance and preventive risk control. Meanwhile, secretary Liu Yadong elaborated on the new round of civilized units campaign and voiced the following requirements: 1) cultivate and fulfill core socialist values, and promote and incorporate the core socialist values in daily work; 2) ramp up learning organization construction to improve comprehensive qualifications of cadres and staff; 3) concentrate on SPFMC’s hot issues relating to residents’ top concerns in a bid to give impetus to management innovation and services upgrade; 4) improve the capability of taking scientific approaches to such creation initiatives to adapt ourselves to the development trend of the reform and innovation in spiritual civilization construction.

The conference  ended up with the singing of the solemn Internationale. Under the leadership of the steering party committee and with our combined efforts, we are surely bound to make new accomplishments for deepened reform and innovative development of the cause of Shanghai housing provident fund.