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Rent Payment Related HPF Withdrawal Service Debuted and Hailed by Lessees of Public Rental Housing

October 8 marked the debut of the Municipality’s rent payment oriented hpf withdrawal service, in tandem with implementation of finetuned rent oriented withdrawal policies. At half past eight in the morning, a host of lessees swarmed into the service reception room of the operating company for Jing Hua Fang public rental housing at Shanghai Jingcheng, the first pilot residential bloc for trial implementation of rent oriented hpf withdrawal. The service personnel of both SPF Center and Jing Hua Fang Public Rental Housing Operating Company patiently illustrated the operational rules and relevant policies for the rent payment oriented hpf withdrawal, and received warm welcome from the lessees. The handling process officially started at about ten. A good many lessees submitted their applications for entrusted withdrawals right away. By the time this article is issued, over 110 lessees of public rental housing had fulfilled the entrustment procedures for hpf withdrawals due to rent payment. As per the rules, starting from next week, the rents pertaining to those service entrusted public rental housing shall be directly deducted by SPF Center from the lessees’ provident fund accounts. Some uttered words of praise that SPF Center had furnished a good service conducive to elimination of troubles caused by frequent monthly withdrawal handling processes and alleviation of the lessees’ burdens by facilitating their access to hpf withdrawals. 

SPF Center shall further analyse and improve the rent oriented withdrawal service procedures based on the trial implementation at the Jing Hua Fang residential bloc, in an attempt to expand the implementation in the Municipality at a proper time.