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Executive Meeting of the State Council Confirmed on Ramp-up of Effort to Extend Housing Security and Provident Fund Systems Coverage to Peasant Workers

According to the Central Government Website, Premier Li Keqiang presided over an executive meeting of the State Council on 30th July for deployment of peasant workers oriented services. The meeting advocated pushing ahead with social justice and fairness, safeguarding peasant workers’ lawful rights and interests regarding employment security, and bridging the pay gap between peasant workers and urban employees on an equal pay for equal work basis by proceeding to deepen reforms on basic public services supply systems and expand housing security and provident fund systems coverage to benefit peasant workers.
The State Council has issued Opinions on Further Promoting Reform of Household Registration System of late, stipulating that the peasant workers already settled in urban areas should be wholly integrated into urban housing security system in a quest to take multiple approaches to secure migrant peasant workers’ basic housing demands, eliminate the differences between agricultural and non-agricultural hukou (domicile registration), and establish education, health and family planning, employment, social insurance, housing, land and demographic systems commensurate to a consolidated rural and urban household registration system.