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Municipal Provident Fund Center and CCB Shanghai Branch Readying for Rollout of Self-Service HPF ATM Query

Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center (hereinafter referred to as Municipal PF Center) and China Construction Bank’s Shanghai Branch (hereinafter referred to as CCB Shanghai Branch) jointly launched self-service HPF ATM Query to help facilitate self-service queries for housing provident fund paying employees of the Municipality.

Self-aided HPF ATM Query allows housing provident fund paying employees holding CCB bank cards (including savings cards, credit cards, various co-branded cards) to run self-service queries about personal provident fund accounts related information on all China Construction Bank’s automated teller machines (ATM), cash deposit machines (CDM) and cash recycling systems (CRS) in the Municipality. Personal provident fund account related information comprises personal provident fund account, employee name, unit name, dates of latest transactions, monthly payment amount, balance and transaction breakdowns for the last twelve months, covering all the contents of personal provident fund account’s annual statements. These CCB machines, totaled 2233 sets (see the attached for distribution), are located at 786 different places in various districts/county of the Municipality. As of 30 June, 1450 sets of the machines have been installed to brace for self-service queries (see the distribution map). The remaining machines shall be accessible prior to 30 August.

Statistics show that approximately 4 million provident fund paying employees holding CCB bank cards of various types will benefit from the newly-launched query service, accounting for 72% of the existing paying employees. The remainder, currently inaccessible either due to missing information in personal provident fund accounts or not holding CCB bank cards, may go through necessary procedures at their nearest CCB’s housing provident fund service outlets to gain access.

Before this launch, Municipal PF Center had created an array of housing provident fund query venues via website, mobile app and telephone lines. The debuted HPF ATM Query indicates another significant stride forward taken by Municipal PF Center to explore into transformation to and replacement with electronic annual statements of housing provident fund for more convenience to the citizens and higher efficiency in provident fund services.