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A Planned Industry Specific Inspection Drive to be Launched to Examine HPF Payment of Auto Sales Businesses in the Municipality

In accordance with Notice on Launching of Law Enforcement Inspection of HPF Payment in the Municipality, Municipal PF Center and Municipal Trade Union shall jointly launch an industry specific inspection of housing provident fund payment of the Municipality’s auto sales businesses as of 10 July.

The enforcement inspection of auto sales businesses’ housing provident fund payment is one of the major tasks scheduled for this year’s municipality-wide enforcement inspection of housing provident fund payment. Currently auto sales industry comprises approximately 1,000 units of various types, and their housing provident fund payment status quo varies. The majority of the units comply with housing provident fund payment regulations. Nevertheless, a minority of the auto sales firms fail to go through housing provident fund payment registration procedures, open personal housing provident fund accounts for employees, or make housing provident fund payment for all the employees. Lodging of complaints and grievances occurs from time to time.

The law enforcement inspection drive shall phase in full scale inspection and selective inspection. Full scale inspection requires all units to comprehensively conduct self checking accordingly. Selective inspection refers to spot inspection of housing provident fund payment of part of the enterprises. Spot inspection comprises three steps of on-the-spot checking, supervising on corrective actions and documenting problem-solving approach and process. Municipal Provident Fund Center and Municipal Trade Union shall jointly set up an enforcement inspection team to hear briefings of the inspected units on their self checking, verify HPF Payment Status Self Checking Form and review documents such as the employee name list, the social insurance payment notice and the payroll statement. The Center shall proceed to supervise and hasten those nonconforming units to make corrections within the set time or make remedial action plans accordingly, or otherwise impose administrative penalties or apply to courts for mandatory enforcement measures over those units refusing to cooperate or take corrective actions according to Regulations on Management of Housing Provident Fund, Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Administration of Housing Provident Fund and Measures on Management of Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Administrative Enforcement.