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Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Website Granted Title of Excellent Website in 6th Contest of the Municipality

A commendation conference was held in Shanghai Library on afternoon of 16th June in recognition of prominent websites in 6th contest of the Municipality, and Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Website was granted Excellent Website Award (public service sector) as a result of the appraisal.

Shanghai Excellent Website Contest, known as Shanghai internet industry’s authoritative appraisal activity exclusively retained among Shanghai party-masses system’s appraisal, accreditation and commendation activities, is held once every two years, hosted by Shanghai Internet Information Office and Shanghai Spiritual Civilization Construction Committee’s Office. The contest concluded with the selection of 10 Best Websites, 100 Excellent Websites of the Municipality and 10 Enterprise Credit-Building Pioneer Websites in wake of various stages of the process such as application and recommendation, online voting, patrol inspectors’ evaluation and appraisal by panel of experts. (For details, please click on