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2014 Administrative Enforcement Inspection of HPF Payment Rolled out in this Municipality

Following 2013 HPF Payment Administrative Enforcement Inspection Initiative, Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Committee, Municipal Trade Union and Municipal Provident Fund Center resolved on jointly conducting 2014 HPF Payment Administrative Enforcement Inspection campaign in this Municipality from April through October, in an effort to enhance units’ awareness of housing provident fund payment compliance and expand housing provident fund system coverage to give legal teeth to safeguarding employees’ legitimate rights and interests.
This round of enforcement inspection shall be applicable to all units in the municipality, including state organs, state-owned enterprises, collective enterprises in cities and towns, foreign-invested enterprises, private enterprises and other enterprises in cities and towns, institutions, private non-enterprise units and associations.
This round of enforcement inspection shall focus on checking whether a unit has fulfilled the formalities for housing provident fund payment registration and whether the unit completes the formalities for opening its employees’ housing provident fund accounts and makes timely and adequate housing provident fund payment. Those units that fail to go through housing provident fund payment registration shall be hastened to open units’ and employees’ housing provident fund accounts. Those units showing discrepancy between the number of paying employees and the actual headcounts shall be urged to make housing provident fund payment for all their employees.
The enforcement inspection shall be divided into two stages: self checking and correction stage from April through July requiring the unit to submit the completed Housing Provident Fund Payment Status Self-Checking Form, confirmed by affixing of the official seal, to the designated place within the prescribed time, and proactively take corrective actions by going through formalities for opening accounts or paying arrears at the corresponding district/county management division in cases of nonconformities; sampling inspection stage from August through October focusing on enforcement inspection and centralized renovation of a proportion of those nonconforming units in certain industries to be jointly conducted by a coalition enforcement inspection team constituted of delegates from Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Committee, Municipal Trade Union and Municipal Provident Fund Center.
As for those nonconformities discovered during inspection, Municipal Provident Fund Center shall proceed, based on the principle of a combination of education and penalty, to give educational instructions and require remedial measures or otherwise to impose administrative penalities or apply to courts for mandatory enforcement measures over those units refusing to cooperate or to take corrective actions in accordance with Regulations on Management of Housing Provident Fund, Provisions of Shanghai Municipality on Administration of Housing Provident Fund and Measures on Management of Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Administrative Enforcement, or even publicize them on Shanghai Housing Provident Fund Website, and provide relevant violation information to Shanghai Public Credit Information Service Platform, and apply to the people’s court for putting them under bad-credit name list pending administrative enforcement.