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Measures on Shanghai HPF Information Disclosure (Trial Implementation) to Take Effect from 1st October

To actively implement the general guidelines for Establishment of Open Standard for HPF System indicated in Decision of CPC Central Committee on Several Major Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening Reforms of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Committee of the CPC, and further improve rules for governing housing provident fund information disclosure and divulgence, Measures on Shanghai HPF Information Disclosure (Trial Implementation), after review and approval by Shanghai HPF Management Committee, shall be enforced on 1st October of this year.

The newly-promulgated Measures on Information Disclosure specifies various aspects of housing provident fund information disclosure in the Municipality such as main content, means of and channels for disclosure, management system, supervision and guarantee, based on its compliance with the law and regulations of the state and relevant municipal authorities on information disclosure, with a focus on work requirements for convenience and interest of the people as well as allsidedness, validity and timeliness of information disclosure. In future, aside from Municipal Provident Fund Center’s active disclosure of housing provident fund information, citizens, legal persons or other organizations are also entitled to apply to Municipal Provident Fund Center for relevant housing provident fund information disclosure pursuant to relevant regulations. The promulgation and enforcement of Measures on Information Disclosure shall further standardize the housing provident fund information disclosure activities in the Municipality, safeguard provident fund payers’rights of knowing and supervision, and increase the transparency of the Municipality’s housing provident fund administration.

The Measures is also known as the first regulatory document aiming at housing provident fund information disclosure standardization in a systematic and comprehensive approach.