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SPFMC Officially Embarked on Creating Application Level Disaster Recovery and Backup System for Municipal HPF Information System

A ceremony was held at SPFMC’s meeting room on afternoon of 28 February for signing of the contract on the project for construction of application level disaster recovery and backup system for HPF information system, which indicated the project officially entered the implementation stage. As scheduled, online trial operation of the project is to be completed in 2014 and the entire project shall be completed and ready for delivery for use in 2015.
Upon completion of the project, HPF information system shall be made capable of application level disaster recovery and data backup as needed for sustained routine key services operational activities in a bid to ensure necessary recovery of any key services operational disasters within a relatively short period of time for continuity of services.
SPFMC Director Shen Zhengchao required workers and working units concerned to complete the project as per schedule, and eventually turn it into an exemplary project for application level disaster recovery and backup system of high standard and quality in an effort to upgrade provident fund management and service standard.