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SPFMC Held 2014 Working Meeting

The municipal provident fund center held its 2014 working meeting on afternoon of January 15 for year 2013’s work accomplishments summary and year 2014’s work deployment. The attendees were the Center’s party, administrative, trade union and youth league leaders, departmental and district/county management division heads and delegates of staff congress.

Director Shen Zhengchao delivered his work report on Innovating Working Mechanism, Implementing Mass Line Policies and Boosting Management Standard. In 2013, all cadres and staff of SPFMC actively implemented the resolutions of 18th CPC National Congress and seized on the Party’s mass line education campaign with emancipated minds keen on pursuing reformation with prowess, which led to excellent fulfillment of all provident fund management targets and tasks, and made positive contributions to housing improvement for provident fund paying employees.

In 2014, the municipal provident fund center shall keep on with the in-depth study and effective implementation of the essence of resolutions of 18th CPC National Congress and the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Committee of the CPC in an effort to carry out the Party’s mass line activities, further deepen reformation and innovate working systems for management enhancement and service improvement so as to ultimately upgrade provident fund management standard by seizing on comprehensive upgrade of informatization, advance sustained and sound development of Shanghai provident fund system, and make further contributions to improvement of housing conditions of the citizens.

The municipal provident fund center shall primarily focus on the following in 2014: 1) proactively adhere to resolutions of the third session of 18th CPC National Congress and boldly probe a new path for provident fund reforms with emancipated minds; 2) straighten out conundrums and create a new situation for provident fund payment coverage expansion; 3) develop and fulfill functions of the systems, and keep on bolstering security housing construction; 4) develop and fulfill policies for provident fund withdrawal and use, and boost housing consumption; 5) practice mass line education and comprehensively map out the “three-year action plan”; 6) expedite ongoing informatization process and upgrade provident fund management standard; 7) deepen the reform of the cadre and personnel system and improve internal management mechanisms and systems.

Secretary Liu Yadong delivered a report of SPFMC’s party committee on Year 2013’s Work Summary and Year 2014’s Major Issues. He indicated that the Center’s party committee carried out mass line education practice in 2013 themed on “people-oriented, pragmatic, uncorrupted and honest approach” in close association with housing provident fund management under guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory, the important thought of three-represents and scientific outlook on development, giving full play to the committee’s core protection functioning and party members’ exemplary pioneering role and spearheading and spurring the campaign for Shanghai provident fund innovation and development by tapping new resources and blazing new trails with reinvigorated concerted effort of all cadres and staff.

The Center’s party committee shall adhere to the following general guidelines: consolidate results of the party’s mass line education practice in line with resolutions of the Third Plenary Session of the Eighteenth Committee of the CPC, and leverage with formation of a learning, service and innovation oriented party organization and offer strong political guarantee and organization assurance in a bid to push forward innovation and development of the provident fund cause by persevering in steering, mulling over overall situation and agglomerating consensus, persevering in leadership and team building and increasing capabilities and qualifications, persevering in providing support, laying foundation, and invigorating party organization, persevering in solving conundrums , doing concrete work and promoting harmonious development.

Director Shen Zhengchao addressed the deployment for the first quarter, and all meeting attendees held ardent group discussions on work reports of the Center’s Director Shen and Party Committee Secretary Liu.