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PF Home Loan Consultation Service for Municipal Joint Ownership Security Housing Basically Coming to an End for 2013

Municipal security housing’s provident fund loan pre-application consultation and screening was launched in the city’s districts and counties successively in mid-October in accordance with municipal government’s deployment of joint ownership security housing supply for 2013. This year, Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center resorted to comprehensive measures based on “notification of loan eligibility in advance + ad hoc provident fund loan consultation + provident fund service hotline 12329” to facilitate home purchasing applicants. At present, counseling and consultation service has covered 28,600 households, accounting for more than 97% of approved home purchasing applicants for joint ownership security housing. The pre-application screening has basically ended.

As the loan consultation is approaching to an end, formal provident fund loan handling will be launched successively. Under the unified organization of SPF, all district/county management divisions, Estate Guarantee Corporation and related banks are poised to put more enthusiasm into loan related work and to provide convenient services for the vast number of households in order to ensure the successful completion of provident fund loan handling for home purchasers of joint ownership security housing this year.