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Deputy Secretary-General Huang Rong Heads a Research Survey at the Center

Deputy Secretary-General of the municipal government Huang Rong led a survey tour to SPFMC on afternoon of 9th October. After hearing Director Shen Zhengchao's briefing, Deputy Secretary-General Huang Rong affirmed that Shanghai housing provident fund had played a positive role in recent years in safeguarding employees' legitimate rights and interests, implementing the national macro-regulatory policies, participating in security housing construction of the municipality and bolstering employees' housing consumption. Shanghai is the cradle of China's housing provident fund system. SPFMC shall obtain power from the spirit of the 18th National Congress of the CPC as a driving force, unswervingly drive forward in an innovation-oriented approach to transformational development, and conduct regular studies of new situations and solve new problems in the course of the ongoing reformational development. Currently we need to earnestly carry out the Party's mass line education practice activities, earnestly identify existing problems with the ruling Party's mass line, make continuous improvement of working methods and styles in an effort to serve broad HPF paying employees and bring HPF into better play in improving employees' housing standard and promoting social harmony.

The Center's party and administrative management joined the survey.