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SPFMC Granted ˇ°Best Case Awardˇ± for Outstanding Party Building Innovation

The municipal construction and transportation system's working party committee convened a conference on afternoon of 28th June for CPC's 92nd anniversary celebration. At the conference, commendations were offered for achievements in grass-root level party building innovation. SPFMC party committee's innovation case on Exploring into Open-door Approach to Party Building and Engineering a Harmonious Party Organization was granted "Best Case Award" for the municipal construction and transportation system's outstanding grass-root level party building innovation.

The Center ascribes this achievement to unremitting perseverance of its party committee and party branch in the mass line approach to beefing up sustainable working cohesion and vitality. At the next stage, the Center's party committee shall abide by the requirements of closely keeping in touch with the mass and conduct further development and implementation of the open-door party building scheme in a move to ratchet up construction of a harmonious provident fund center.