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Municipal Provident Fund Center Gained Honorary Title of Civilized Unit of Shanghai
Municipality for the Year 2011-2012

As approved by the municipal government, Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center was awarded honorary title of Civilized Unit of Shanghai Municipality for the Year 2011-2012 (16th). Thus the Center had been granted Civilized Unit of Shanghai Municipality for six consecutive years.

In the year 2011-2012, with an aim to build socialist core value system, the Center underscored values such as fairness, inclusiveness, responsibility and integrity, continuously enriched the content of spiritual civilization construction, made a train of accomplishments in serving the overall situation, serving the society, serving people’s livelihood, enhancing management, improving services, developing and innovating functions, upgrading workforce qualification standard, building a good public image and fostering user-friendly, civilized and healthy work environment, and made positive contribution to construction of the “four-in-one” housing security system and development of the stable and healthy property market.