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Mobilization Meeting Held for HPF Payment Enforcement Inspection Deployment and Kick-off

The municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Committee, the municipal Trade Union, Shanghai Provident Fund Management Center and CCB Shanghai Branch jointly held a conference on the afternoon of 23rd April on mobilization and deployment of housing provident fund payment enforcement inspection in a move to implement Notice on Launching of Law Enforcement Inspection of Housing Provident Fund Payment in the Municipality. Among the attendees were vice chair of the municipal Trade Union Hou Ji Jun, SPFMC director Shen Zheng Chao, assistant manager of CCB Shanghai Branch Wu Yi Qiang and director of the municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Committee's Office Liu Fang Ding. SPFMC's deputy director Li Chao Xing presided over the conference.

The conference shed light on Scheme for Implementation of the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Payment Enforcement Inspection, and speeches were delivered by Director of the Municipal Housing Provident Fund Management Committee's Office Liu Fang Ding and Assistant Manager of CCB Shanghai Branch Wu Yi Qiang.

Vice Chair of the Municipal Trade Union Hou Ji Jun voiced the following three requirements: First, pay close attention and be resolved to safeguard employees’ legitimate rights and interests; Second, earnestly fulfill duties and ensure implementation of enforcement inspection targets and tasks; Third, make continuous improvement, and step up effort to bring trade unions into full play in safeguarding employees' labor and economic rights and interests.

SPFMC's Director Shen Zheng Chao made it clear in his speech that all departments and units concerned must realize the importance of these enforcement inspection moves to safeguard employees' rights and interests and streamline housing provident fund system, clearly understand the major tasks of the enforcement inspection shall be giving publicity and conducting self checking and corrections in a bid to foster self awareness and willingness to pay housing provident fund, prioritize on key issues for orderly forward progress and quality assurance as well as clarify duties and responsibilities for harmonious performance with combined effort.